They are one of the biggest challenges in the field of packaging - food packaging. After all, food should be packaged as sustainably as possible these days. No one wants to evoke a battle of plastic and plastic with their packaging. Paper and cardboard have meanwhile made a name for themselves as sustainable raw materials. Because in times when the to-go business is taking up more and more space, producers of food and manufacturers of cardboard boxes are asked to provide suitable alternatives to carrier bags and solutions for environmental protection. We at ebro colour are your trusted producer from Baden-Württemberg of packaging for the To Go business and show your product in the best way. With our experience, you can package your products sustainably and transport them to the customer.

What is food packaging needed for?

We make sure your packaging closes securely

It's not just in the pure To Go sector that food needs to be securely packaged. Restaurants that offer the service of taking home products that have not been eaten also need good packaging that allows the customer to ensure that the food arrives safely at home in one piece. If you can do without carrier bags for packaging here, you have already won with most shoppers.

Think also about the recognition effect if food packaging with your logo, telephone number and website, preferably in company colours, is placed in the fridge. This is a discreet reminder of a visit and makes you look forward to the next time.

In the catering trade, think about the recognition effect.

However, plastic packaging is now only permitted to a very limited extent in the catering industry. So if you are a catering business looking for packaging solutions for transport and delivery, we have good news: You have found the solution for your food.

But the retail trade also needs alternative materials, such as those we can provide in our product range. Not only gift packaging, but also the cardboard box that ensures freshness and safety, and possibly also storage in the warehouse, are in demand here. This way, the food and more arrive safely at the consumer's doorstep.

What dimensions do we offer?

Browse the menu or use our expert help

We specialise in producing high quality packaging for the hospitality and retail sectors. We are able to supply standardised dimensions in small runs and large quantities. But you will also find individual solutions of all kinds on our site. It goes without saying that we do not accept any compromises in quality when it comes to packaging and always pay attention to the best price.

So you don't just buy from us in prefabricated categories, but individually exactly the product you have in mind for your packaging.

Individual design for your transport


Everything inside is safe too, of course

We base the design of your packaging on your requirements. So whether you need a fancy thickness, a special feel, a die-cut or embossed logo - our material will support the tasks in your dispatch excellently and not in plastic and plastic, but with packaging made of cardboard. It doesn't matter whether it's packaging for a short or long journey - our packaging is a real visual highlight on its own.

The fact that all the packaging you get from us at the best price also protects the environment because it is made from recycled paper and can therefore also be disposed of in the waste paper is already part of our everyday life.

Your order directly from ebro colour

Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit sind unsere Themen

You can order directly from our shop. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can also sample you according to your information and with our experience, so that you can then decide which offer you want to use. Whether for storage or in case of transport - our packaging is the highlight in all these areas.

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10 x 5 x 20 cm

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