Onboarding Box: Gift Box for New Employees

Whoever is new to a company is often overwhelmed at first. Many formalities have to be fulfilled, a race from department to department begins. And then there is also the new task that needs to be fulfilled well. An onboarding box helps to strengthen the "we" feeling right at the beginning. This is a gift box for employees. We provide you with high-quality onboarding gift boxes that put a smile on the faces of new employees.

What does a typical onboarding box contain?

Onboarding boxes, also called welcome boxes, are both starter packs and gift boxes for new employees. They can contain the most important utensils for the start of the job, such as a name badge or uniform. But classic gifts that do not serve the fulfilment of work tasks are also part of an onboarding box. In addition to promotional gifts such as pens or drinking bottles, items produced by the company itself also belong in the onboarding box for employees - if possible.

Environmentally friendly onboarding boxes made to measure

High-quality cardboard is used as the material for our gift boxes. This has several impressive advantages. On the one hand, the stability is surprisingly high in relation to the weight of the material. The cardboard can also be easily printed on all sides to make it unique.

But the environmental aspect is another reason why more and more packaging is being made from cardboard. The material can be recycled and reused for future packaging. Apart from that, cardboard consists of renewable raw materials and can be obtained from domestic forests.

Professional welcome boxes with your own print

A plain onboarding box serves its purpose and helps turn newcomers into long-term employees. However, with a customised box, you increase the sense of belonging to your brand. You can do this by having your welcome gift boxes printed. As an onboarding box provider, we are the specialists for this task.

You alone decide what your onboarding box should look like later on. We will be happy to advise you on the way from the idea to the finished packaging. You can opt for a simple logo with finishing. Or you can let your creativity run free and choose an extensive and unusual design.

We produce your onboarding boxes exactly according to your ideas. You choose the dimensions and design according to your ideas and easily adapt the gift box for employees to the contents. As professionals for packaging solutions, we can also implement special requests - just contact us.

Onboarding Box supplier: Request a sample now

Onboarding boxes are an ingenious way to strengthen employee loyalty and increase the motivation of your employees. However, for this to succeed, the onboarding boxes should be professionally produced and printed. We are the right contact for this.

Convince yourself of our onboarding boxes for employees now - with a free and non-binding sample. If we have aroused your interest, we will be happy to prepare an individual offer tailored to your needs. Competent contact persons will be at your side at all times. Soon you will be holding your own onboarding gift boxes in your hands.

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10 x 5 x 20 cm

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